
In order to be able to use the cico Ansible module, you need to use it from a location that has network connectivity to the administrative endpoint, by default this is

The cico Ansible module comes packaged with python-cicoclient.

To use it, it would be convenient to add the module to your Ansible module library. An example Ansible configuration file can be found inside the package.

Built-in help

The cico Ansible module comes built-in with Ansible documentation, you can use ansible-doc to access it:

$ ansible-doc -M cicoclient/ansible cico

  Ansible module to manage node lifecycle

Options (= is mandatory):

= action
        Action to take (Choices: get, done, list)

- api_key
        API key [Default: CICO_API_KEY environment variable or None]

- arch
        Server architecture (Choices: i386, x86_64, aarch64, ppc64le) [Default: x86_64]

- count
        Amount of nodes [Default: 1]

- endpoint
        API endpoint [Default:]

- release
        CentOS release (Choices: 5, 6, 7) [Default: 7]

- flavor
    The flavor (size) of an altarch Node (ignored on baremetal x86_64)
    (Choices: tiny, small, medium, lram.tiny, lram.small, lram.medium, xram.tiny, xram.small, xram.medium, xram.large)[Default: small]

- retry_count
        Amount of retries to do in case of failure. [Default: 1]

- retry_interval
        Wait (in seconds) between subsequent retries. [Default: 10]

- ssid
        SessionID, required with action 'done', optional with 'list'.

Requirements:  python >= 2.6, python-cicoclient

# Retrieve full inventory
- cico:
    action: list
    register: data

# Retrieve inventory tied to API key
- cico:
    action: list
    api_key:  723ef3ce-4ea4-4e8d-9c8a-20a8249b2955
    register: data

# Retrieve inventory tied to a SSID
- cico:
    action: list
    ssid:  3e03553f-ae28-4a68-b879-f0fdbf949d5d
    register: data

# Request one CentOS 7 x86_64 node
- cico:
    action: get
    api_key: 723ef3ce-4ea4-4e8d-9c8a-20a8249b2955
    register: data

# Request one CentOS 7 x86_64 node with increased tolerance failure
- cico:
    action: get
    api_key: 723ef3ce-4ea4-4e8d-9c8a-20a8249b2955
    retry_count: 3
    retry_interval: 60
    register: data

# Request two CentOS 6 i386 nodes
- cico:
    action: get
    api_key: 723ef3ce-4ea4-4e8d-9c8a-20a8249b2955
    arch: i386
    release: 6
    count: 2
    register: data

# Release nodes requested in a registered 'get' action
- cico:
    action: done
    api_key: 723ef3ce-4ea4-4e8d-9c8a-20a8249b2955
    ssid: data.ssid

# Release nodes for a specific ssid
- cico:
    action: done
    api_key: 723ef3ce-4ea4-4e8d-9c8a-20a8249b2955
    ssid: 3e03553f-ae28-4a68-b879-f0fdbf949d5d

MAINTAINERS: David Moreau Simard <>

Retrieving node inventory

The cico inventory action will allow you to retrieve the node inventory.

  • If you do not provide an API key, you will get the list of all nodes.
  • If you provide an API key, you will only get the inventory of nodes that are tied to your API key.
  • You can also provide a SSID to only return hosts matching this specific SSID.


# Retrieve full inventory
- cico:
    action: list
    register: data

# Retrieve inventory tied to API key
- cico:
    action: list
    api_key:  723ef3ce-4ea4-4e8d-9c8a-20a8249b2955
    register: data

# Retrieve inventory tied to a SSID
- cico:
    action: list
    ssid:  3e03553f-ae28-4a68-b879-f0fdbf949d5d
    register: data

Requesting nodes

The cico get action will allow you to request one or more nodes. This command requires an API key to be configured.


# Request one CentOS 7 x86_64 node
- cico:
    action: get
    api_key: 723ef3ce-4ea4-4e8d-9c8a-20a8249b2955
    register: data

# Request one CentOS 7 x86_64 node with increased tolerance failure
- cico:
    action: get
    api_key: 723ef3ce-4ea4-4e8d-9c8a-20a8249b2955
    retry_count: 3
    retry_interval: 60
    register: data

# Request two CentOS 6 i386 nodes
- cico:
    action: get
    api_key: 723ef3ce-4ea4-4e8d-9c8a-20a8249b2955
    arch: i386
    release: 6
    count: 2
    register: data

Releasing nodes

The cico done action command will allow you to release all the nodes tied to a session ID. This command requires an API key to be configured.


# Release nodes requested in a registered 'get' action
- cico:
    action: done
    api_key: 723ef3ce-4ea4-4e8d-9c8a-20a8249b2955
    ssid: data.results.ssid

# Release nodes for a specific ssid
- cico:
    action: done
    api_key: 723ef3ce-4ea4-4e8d-9c8a-20a8249b2955
    ssid: 3e03553f-ae28-4a68-b879-f0fdbf949d5d